Hi! My name is Robin, nice to meet you! <3 I am the person behind the handle robinrevises online, and here I’ll be telling you a bit about myself! Let’s get into it! 🔽

Let’s start with the basic info first! I am 23 years old, live in Amsterdam and work a corporate job every Monday-Thursday. I like running, horse riding and being creative in my free time! I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, going out for dinner and going on walks. 👟🎨🍽️🧘🏼‍♀️

For my social media presence, I have a very clear mission in mind. My mission is to revolutionize the student experience narrative. I’m here to share the unfiltered reality of student life—no glorified all-nighters or unrealistic expectations. My commitment is to provide genuine advice and insights, stripping away the myth of the perfect student experience. I believe in debunking study myths and fostering a community where every student feels acknowledged, connected, and less alone. I am not promoting or creating pressure to have flawless grades and endless study marathons—my aim is to offer practical tips for navigating the genuine everyday challenges of student life. In a world of carefully curated highlight reels, I started out in 2020 by showcasing the unedited truth of my student journey. Over the course of the past few years my content has developed and I have finished my studies. However, I am still taking courses and developing myself academically, so my online story isn’t over yet. For as much as possible, my content is a celebration of imperfections, resilience, and the shared experiences that come with navigating academic challenges. I’ve worked really hard on creating a little corner on the internet where students feel safe, understood and supported. Even when their grades aren’t perfect, they’re not studying every day or they experience burnout. My social space is for every student! 💌